A Lightning Strike Rescue. Yosemite National Park.

On July 27, 1985 a group of 5 people climbed Half Dome, one of the most prominent and known rock-faces inside the park. A summer storm formed over the summit, but despite the dangers, they continued on. By the end of the day, 2 people were dead and three were critically injured after being struck by lightning, sparking an intense nighttime helicopter rescue.

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Book: Shattered Air by Bob Madgic

https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/lightning/index.html https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-07-29-me-5124-story.html https://www.upi.com/Archives/1985/07/28/A-lightning-bolt-killed-two-rock-climbers-at-the/1260491371200/ https://www.nps.gov/yose/planyourvisit/halfdome.htm


Trail Tales 44


The Lost Boy. Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument.