A Strand in the Web. Torngat Mountains National Park.

 “Whatever happens to the beasts also happens to man. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth.” Those words spoken by Chief Seattle centuries ago merely echoed what his people knew for a time immemorable, and what modern science is now proving – we are not separate from the environment, we are of it. Our actions, or inactions, have long lasting ripple effects on everything around us, and while we may not see the results in our lifetimes, they are becoming apparent in places like the Arctic, where the consequences of our actions are rearing their heads in a fight for survival.

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Sources Backpacker, Outside Online, Sierra Club, Sierra Club (2), Parks Canada, Smithsonian, Yale Environment, Wikipedia, Vice, Climate News, PBS, Arctic WWF, Washington Monthly


Diana of the Dunes. Indiana Dunes National Park.


Stranded on Devil's Tower National Monument.