Smokey Bear Origin Story. Lincoln National Forest.

Smokey Bear has been an iconic symbol from the National Forest Service that we can all recognize. He has served as a staple in fire prevention safety education for generations. However, not only is Smokey’s origin story dark, but he was also once a living, breathing, American Black Bear.  Stick around for the end of the episode as Cassie's partner Al, a long time wildland firefighter, shares his experiences in the field and tips on fire prevention.

Episode Partners 
Microdose Gummies: Use code NPAD to get free shipping and 30% off your first order.
Beam: Use our link and code NPAD for up to 40% off.  
Lume Deodorant:  New customers GET $5 OFF a Lume Starter Pack with code NPAD.

Book -
The Sinking of the Princess Sophia, Taking the North Down with Her by Ken Coates & Bill Morrison

Articles -
USDA, Smokey Bear, Smokey Bear (2)Smithsonian, History


Trail Tales 31


The Short Man of Sumatra. Kerinci Seblat National Park.