How Not To Die. Yellowstone Edition

Designated as the world’s first national park, Yellowstone is unique in so many ways. From its distinct thermal features, various species of iconic wildlife and picturesque landscapes this park draws in millions of visitors annually. 149 years of people flooding the gates, roadways and trails has left Yellowstone with its fair share of tragedy. So much in fact, that hundreds of stories have filled thousands of pages in our history books. As with every historical event, there is always a lesson to be found. Usually, a lesson of what not to do. Sadly, humans have a way of ignoring those messages and are doomed to repeat history again and again. Come along as Danielle and Cassie discuss disastrous tales of death in Yellowstone, and if you listen closely and are open to learning something new, you may just survive your next visit.

Sources Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park. NPS. Washington Post. NPS Suffragettes


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