Night of the Grizzlies - Part 1 - Glacier National Park

This week we are taking you deep into the backcountry where the world is still wild and unpredictable. The views may be beautiful but this is no time to get distracted because you never know what might be lurking in the thick brush of Glacier National Park. On this trip you’re going to need to stay alert, bring all of your gear, and bring plenty of protection.

For this episode we will be retelling the story of Night of the Grizzlies by Jack Olson, A true story that took place in Glacier National Park during the summer of 1967. The events that took place this summer built up to TWO catastrophic incidents that would change the way we look at Grizzly bears forever. And this is just the beginning....

Sources Night of the Grizzlies by Jack Olson


Night of the Grizzles - Part 2 - Glacier National Park


Mistake or Malice? Zion National Park