The World's Highest Graveyard. Sagarmatha National Park
While tourism to summit Mount Everest has brought money to the country of Nepal it has also brought a huge problem, litter. In a climate where survival is more important than being respectful to our planet, over 100,000 pounds of trash have been left ontop of Mount Everest, cantaminating their water resources. Today we will join a group of Nepali Sherpas who head out to summit Mount Everest to rid it's peaks of garbage but to also recover bodies, something that has never before been done. We will join them on this crueling 29 day adventure where each one of their lives is at risk every single day. With avalanches, freezing temperatures, and oxygen levels not compatible with survival, this team has a lot of obstacles to overcome if they are to make it out alive.
Sources Documentary - Death Zone. CMM. Sky News. NBC News.The Guardian.