Little Islands. The Dark History of America’s National Parks

To celebrate National Indigenous History Month, we take a step back in history as Danielle flips back the pages of time and brings us to a dark chapter in US history. National Parks, some of our favorite places in the world, were once home to thousands of Native Peoples. Today we are familiar with why National Parks were created – to protect land and resources from development, and "for the benefit and enjoyment of the people", but do we really know how they were created? The lands we benefit from and enjoy today came at the expense of others, others who lived and worshiped on those same lands for millennia. Lands that were stolen.


The Atlantic. NPS. Phys. Scientific American. NCSL. Smithsonian. The Conversation. NPS. Outside. Wikipedia. Grand Canyon Guru


The Strange Disappearance of Glen and Bessie Hyde. Grand Canyon National Park


The World's Highest Graveyard. Sagarmatha National Park